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Bogota Community Garden

The Bogota Community Garden is located in Veteran's Park on River Road near the intersection of the West Fort Lee Road.  The Bogota Community Garden (a division of the Environmental Commission) is the highest authority at the Bogota Community Garden. 


The following are the rules and guidelines for gardeners at the Bogota Community Garden. 

Bogota's Community Garden Rules


Bogota Community Garden will provide:

  • 4 X 6 plots ( larger ones to be constructed)

  • Fencing around the exterior of the entire garden

  • Rain Barrels, composting area, shed for tools and benches for relaxing

  • Rules and regulations will be provided to each renter and   posted inside the shed


Plot Maintenance Expectations:

  • Gardeners must maintain plots (including adjacent aisles) throughout the growing season

  • If, for any reason (health, vacation, work pressure), you will be temporarily unable to maintain your plot or throughout the season, inform the coordinator.  If you have a substitute gardener, inform the Community Garden Committee via email at

  • Abandoned plots will be reassigned.

  • Plots are on a first come, first served with a maximum of 2 plots per household.

  • At the end of the season, all dead plants and weeds must be removed.

  • This garden adheres to organic growing practices.  Do not use synthetic chemical pesticides or fertilizers like miracle-Gro.  If you are not sure if something is allowed, please check with another gardener or email the community garden committee at  If used, you forfeit your plot.

  • Refrain from excessive interior fencing and edging


Adjacent Paths and Borders

  • (mulch or grass) is what is used in the path ways.

  • You are responsible for maintaining the path ways, via weeding, etc around your plot.   You must keep the path by your plot clear of weeds, rocks, garden plants and other obstacles.

  • Each gardener is responsible for their own trash removal.



  • Vegetables and plants grown from your plot may not be sold for personal profit.

  • Radios.  Should you wish to listen to the radio, please use headphones as not to disturb the other gardeners.

  • Garden gates.  The gates should remain closed at all times.  Please make sure it is securely closed.

  • No Vehicles are allowed on the garden or park property.

  • Keep the Garden Committee advised of your current address and telephone number by notifying them via email at

  • Keep the garden attractive for neighboring residents and safe for all.


Gardener Meetings

  • There will be two mandatory meetings with the gardeners.  One in the month of May for the start of the growing season and one in October for the end of the season.

  • The Bogota Community Garden committee will meet once every other month on the fourth Wednesday of that month.


Warnings and Penalties

  • If you fail to follow any of the above guidelines, the community garden community will contact you.

  • All gardeners are required to keep their plots as disease and weed free as possible. 

  • Complaints, policies and mediations are the responsibility of the Bogota community garden committee.

  • Any issues contact the Bogota community garden at



Bogota's Community Garden Sustainable Practices Rules and Guidelines â€‹


Bogota Community Garden renters should follow the following practices:

  • Use Rain Barrels for watering and conserve water

  • Use organic mulch to reduce water use

  • Solar lights are encouraged

  • Place cut vegetation in compost area

  • Use only organic soils

  • We placed wood chips from local tree contractor donation to reduce weeds

  • This garden adheres to organic growing practices No use of pesticides or herbicides unless organic.  If used, you forfeit your plot.

  • Trade or donate unneeded  produce

  • Perennial herbs and plants are encouraged

  • Pollinator plants have been planted by committee   

  • This sign will be posted at gate and inside fence as a reminder

  • Each gardener is responsible for their own trash removal.

  • Recycle bins are provided in common areas

  • Should you wish to listen to the radio, please use headphones as not to disturb the other gardeners.

  • Garden gates.  The gates should remain closed at all times.  Please make sure it is securely closed.

  • No Vehicles are allowed on the garden or park property.

  • Keep the garden attractive for neighboring residents and safe for all.


Gardeners interested in participating the Bogota Community Garden should complete the following application and return it to Borough Hall.  

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